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Pros and Cons of Flexible Work Schedules

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And now it’s official – standard 9 to 5 jobs belong to the past! As we live in a fast-paced world, with everything changing so quickly, we are forced to change and adapt, no matter whether it’s about how to communicate, function with our friends and family, or how to work. If we consider all of this, it’s no wonder we’re continually confronted with new working models. Even companies are enforced to go outside of their comfort zone and develop new business models to advance their business or keep their most valuable workers on board.

That’s why this time we’ve decided to talk about flexible work schedules. It’s still a hot topic in the business world and it seems like almost everyone wants to adopt this model. We wanted to investigate it completely and give you all the know-how if you’re thinking about implementing it or before you say yes to a new job that’s already rocking it. When it comes to flexible work schedules we asked: Is it any good, is it working and who benefits the most?

But first of all – do we know what “flexible working” even means?

“Flexible working” doesn’t mean that the person is just working from home. Those with flexible working schedules can work from anywhere: a coffee shop, home, or even during their commute. And there are a few types of flexible working schedules like part-time, flextime, annualized hours, compressed hours, and staggered hours, just to name a few. It can be overwhelming, would you agree? If you have already determined what type of flexible working would suit your company the best let’s see the pros and cons of adopting such a working model.

Pro: Gives you the freedom to do some errands

Among the many pros of adopting flexible work, a flexible schedule is giving your employees the opportunity to meet their family needs and personal obligations. We’re quite sure that anyone who works on a flexible work schedule will tell you it’s so much easier to do some day-to-day errands and tasks without getting messy with asking permission from the employer to take a day off or lie and take a sick day.

Con: Vague boundaries

And you need to be careful about this one! If there are no clear boundaries about working hours, then you can easily fall into the trap of working all the time. For instance, if your boss allows you the flexibility to go to your child’s baseball game then he might not feel guilty for calling you at 9.30 pm.

Pro: Less cost

And it goes both ways for the employees and the employer. The employees are able to save the money they would use for transportation to and from work, lunch breaks (especially for the ones who are not bringing homemade meals), and for the employers, it means there are saving up the money from the office space and office supplies.

Con: It’s not for everyone

Some people enjoy staying at home and don’t have a problem with remote working arrangements. Some, on the other hand, may find it difficult to work when colleagues don’t hold on to the same schedule. Working from home may give the impression to your neighbors and friends that you’re not actually working, and they might take it hard when you say you can’t watch their child or let the repairman into their house because you’re home all day.

Pro: You’re able to concentrate better

Did you know that a flexible work schedule significantly increases employees’ concentration? We all know that sometimes it can be too difficult to focus in a full office with many people talking at the same time, making it impossible to hear your own thoughts. However, with flexible working hours employees are able to work when they feel most comfortable and when they feel they can give their maximum.

Con: Far from sight, far from mind

Sometimes working with a flexible work schedule can cause an employee to be overlooked when it comes to a possible promotion. If your company practices “mixed” work arrangements and some of the employees work strictly from the office, while the others have the possibility of taking flexible working hours, managers can overlook their contribution to the company’s success and leave them empty-handed.

Pro: Flexible work schedule increases employee loyalty

Let’s face it – it might not be easy to keep a good worker in the company. That’s why so many companies nowadays are offering benefits such as unlimited vacation policy (known as PTO policy), chill-out rooms, free lunches, etc. By providing your workers with the ability to take flexible working hours, they will see that you value their freedom and that you trust their judgments about how they will do their tasks. Overall that shows that you believe them and makes them happier and more interested in work.

In a conclusion: a flexible work schedule is not for everyone, and it comes with its own perks and downsides. If you’re considering adopting it as a part of your company’s culture, it’s always good to think it through. And if you’re about to say “yes” to a new job that offers a flexible work schedule, you better think if this is something that fits your needs. We gave you the pros and cons, it’s up to you to decide.

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Ana Mladenovic
Ana Mladenovic

A cat enthusiast and a cupcake maniac, Ana is a freelance Content Writer passionate about HR, productivity, and team management topics. When she’s not at her keyboard, you can find Ana in the kitchen, trying to make delicious cookies.

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